This 14 page booklet includes three smalls to finish as scissor fobs, one bookmark, four extra borders, one needlebook cover, plus one small sampler and two Welcomes! Don’t
miss the BE CREATIVE ideas!
DESIGN SIZE: 283 x 176 stitches
FABRIC: Platinum 28ct Linen
FLOSS: Weeks Dye Works
#1092--Grits--2 skeins
#1108--Honeysuckle--2 skein
#1131--Peach--3 skeins
#1155--Blue Heron--2 skeins
#1174--Tin Roof--4 skeins
#1198--London Fog--4 skeins
#1238--Cappuccino--4 skeins
#1295--Blackboard--1 skein
CORRECTIONS: I messed up and did not change some size setting when I was creating the layout of the booklet, so pages 3 & 4 need to be replaced. We will correct it in the next printing! I have attached a pdf of the corrections.