SALE!! Will not be reprinted! ALSO AVAILABLE AS PDF!
DESIGN SIZE: 170 x 260
FINISHED SIZE: Approximately 12"x 18 1/2"
Ideas for using this design:
Stitch this stocking and the coordinating stocking "Victorian Christmas Stocking" as gifts for a special couple as a wedding gift.
Corrections--printed copies:
X-1223 REINDEER CHRISTMAS STOCKING was printed originally without the color chart for the large inside view of the stocking! If you have one of these charts please e-mail karen@rosewoodxstitch.com for a pdf! I will send it out ASAP!
ALSO, I MISTAKENLY HAVE TWO SYMBOLS FOR THE SAME DMC color # 3829 (a square and the letter "L") this is the correct colors for both symbols in the design. Sorry for any confusion.
ONE MORE THING! So there are two / in the symbols list---those are really for backstitches--the DMC 310 is for almost everything EXCEPT the backstitching in the "trees" toward the bottom of the stocking, those backstitches are DMC 367. Sorry, my very design program did not designate the difference better.
If you selected the PDF version of this chart, upon completing your order, you will be able to immediately download the chart. You'll also get an email with a link. You will need Adobe Reader or an equivalent program to open the file. It goes without saying that the file is for personal use by the purchaser and cannot be transferred, shared, posted, resold, etc. There will be no shipping charges added if all items in your cart are PDF only.