DESIGN SIZE--FRAMED PIECE: 181 x 182 stitches ( Add 2-3" to all four sides for framing)
DESIGN SIZE --PILLOW : 182 x 63 stitches (NOTE: To finish as pillow add 2" to all four sides for finishing)
FABRIC: Picture This Plus, 32ct Murky NOTE: If you purchase a fat quarter --18" x 27"--you can cut an 18" x 18" piece to stitch the framed piece and then use the rest for the pillow.
FLOSS: Weeks Dye Works
Framed Piece--#1334 Merlot (3 skeins) & #2102 Fathom (10 skeins)
Pillow--#1094 Linen(2 skeins), #1334 Merlot (2 skeins), 2102 Fathom (1 skein), plus DMC 3799 or Weeks #1298 Gunmetal---(1 skein), & Rainbow Gallery #SP87 & SP62 (1 CARD EACH COLOR)
DESIGN SIZE --PILLOW : 182 x 63 stitches (NOTE: To finish as pillow add 2" to all four sides for finishing)
FABRIC: Picture This Plus, 32ct Murky NOTE: If you purchase a fat quarter --18" x 27"--you can cut an 18" x 18" piece to stitch the framed piece and then use the rest for the pillow.
FLOSS: Weeks Dye Works
Framed Piece--#1334 Merlot (3 skeins) & #2102 Fathom (10 skeins)
Pillow--#1094 Linen(2 skeins), #1334 Merlot (2 skeins), 2102 Fathom (1 skein), plus DMC 3799 or Weeks #1298 Gunmetal---(1 skein), & Rainbow Gallery #SP87 & SP62 (1 CARD EACH COLOR)