This 14 page booklet includes 2 smalls, 2 extra borders, 3 extra alphabets and 2 Welcome designs!
DESIGN SIZE: 170 x 270 stitches
SUGGESTEDFABRIC: Picture This Plus, Cashel 28 ct, Helix (18" X 26" piece
NOTE: If purchasing another fabric count, be sure to add 3" to all four sides of fabric for centering and finishing.
SUGGESTED FLOSS: Sulky Petites--1 spool of each color. Thread Pack #SKY-51
Corrections: There is a typo in the Sulky color key on pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 14. The correct number is #712-4055---not 712-4056. Sorry! It is correct in the Sulky Thread Pack for this design. This will be corrected in the next printing--coming soon.